Good luck to our Eagles!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Harmony vs Bells
High school Band will have a concert tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm. Go Eagles!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
band concert
Baseball game update: Due to incoming weather, baseball will be moving game 2 to 5:30 tomorrow & 3 (if needed) immediately following. Games are at Mt. Pleasant.
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Proud of NHS! They painted and presented the Court House with some new trash containers! Great Job!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Busy Week Next Week: Monday: No School / Athletic Banquet (6pm) Tuesday: FFA Banquet (6pm) Wednesday: Senior Banquet (6pm) Friday: Senior Walk (8am) / Graduation (8pm) Go Eagles!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Banquet week
Reminder that there is no school Monday! Enjoy the three day weekend!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
3 day weekend!
Softball Game Update!! Due to incoming weather this weekend, the softball team will play Game 2 and 3 Friday night beginning at 6:00pm. All games at Royce City. Go Lady Eagles!!!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
The baseball team is ready for Round 3!!! Game 1: Thursday, 7:30pm at Mt. Pleasant High School Game 2: Friday, 7:30pm at Mt. Pleasant High School Game 3: (if needed) Saturday, 5:00 pm at ETBU
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Round 3
Come out and support our Lady Eagles. Game 1: Thursday, Royce City High School @ 6:30pm Game 2: Saturday, Royce City High School @ 2:00pm Game 3 (if needed): Saturday, Royce City High School @ 4:00pm
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Softball Round 4
It is time to recognize our graduating seniors!! Scholarships will be awarded and recognized. Very proud of the Class of 2019!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Senior Banquet
Come celebrate the amazing year that our FFA students have had!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
FFA Banquet
Come and celebrate our athletes and the amazing year that they have had!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Athletic Banquet
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Some great art projects!!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
helping hands
helping hands 2
Some great art projects!!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
helping hands
helping hands 2
Some great art projects!!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
helping hands
helping hands 2
Proud of our Eagles! Keep up the great work!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Baseball Round 2
Updated Game time in an effort to stay ahead of the rain. Come out and support the Lady Eagles!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Softball Round 3.
Proud of our teams!! Baseball and Softball supporting each other in the playoffs! Great things are happening at Harmony High School!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Lets Do This
Our baseball team has advanced to Round 2. Game 1 will be at Grand Saline and Game 2 will be at My. Pleasant High School! Go Eagles!!!
almost 6 years ago, Harmony ISD
Area playoff game!