Happy Administrative Professional's Day As principal of Harmony Junior High, I would like tell our Administrative Professional, Mrs. Judy Wall, how much she is appreciated. She works hard everyday and puts in lots of time to ensure the campus is running smoothly and everyone has everything they need to help make HJH a great place to work and attend...THANK YOU Mrs. Wall!
4 months ago, Thomas Copeland
Happy Administrative Professional 's Day
Attention all current Harmony 5th grade parents!
4 months ago, Lacy Moore
6th Grade Parent Meeting 2024
Students- Remember to get a good nights rest, eat breakfast, and charge your chromebooks! STAAR test is tomorrow!
5 months ago, Lacy Moore
STAAR ELA Reminder
Junior High students- Please see the flyer below for Spring Dance information. We hope to see you there! This dance is open to HJH students only.
5 months ago, Lacy Moore
Spring Dance 2024
HJH students were able to experience the eclipse. It was a memorable day! Thank you Rotary Clubs of Big Sandy, Mineola, Quitman, and Winnsboro for supplying our students with eclipse glasses. We appreciate you!
5 months ago, Lacy Moore
Eclipse 1
Eclipse 2
Eclipse 3
Eclipse 4
It is a historic day for the Harmony Junior High Band! These students traveled to Gilmer High School today to perform at the UIL Region Middle School Concert and Sight Reading evaluation. They received a Superior rating in both Concert and Sight Reading, earning them the FIRST EVER Sweepstakes award for Harmony Junior High (and the second ever for Harmony ISD as a whole). We couldn't be more proud of how hard these students have worked to achieve their goals and are so elated that they were able to bring such a prestigious honor back to our school. These are the future leaders of our program and we cannot wait to see what successes they bring for themselves and for the Harmony ISD Band program!
5 months ago, Lacy Moore
Band Sweepstakes UIL
Harmony Junior High Teachers and Staff have selected our March Students of the Month for 7th Grade. We are proud of Karlee Bunn and Peyton Salter! Mrs. Henson wrote: Peyton is a hard worker and very respectful. He is always ready to learn and help others. Karlee is a great student, hard worker, and super sweet! She is always helping others and very respectful. Way to go Karlee and Peyton!
5 months ago, Lacy Moore
Payton SOTM7
Harmony Junior High Teachers and Staff have selected our March Students of the Month for 8th Grade. We are proud of Eli Klinkey and Isabelle Franklin! Mrs. Salter wrote: Eli is a hard worker and is always respectful and kind. Mrs. Adkinson wrote: Isabelle is such a joy to have in my class. She is ALWAYS so kind and happy. She is extremely creative and I love to hear about all the things she is making. Everything she attempts, she gives all her effort. Way to go Eli and Isabelle!
5 months ago, Lacy Moore
SOTM8 Isabelle & Eli
Harmony Junior High Teachers and Staff have selected our March Students of the Month for 6th Grade. We are proud of Marley Aaron and Hunter Foster! Their teacher said the following great things about them: Coach Helpenstill wrote: Hunter is conscientious about his assignments in my class. Hunter participates in class discussions and volunteers to help in any way he can. Marley earned a grade of 100 in the 3rd 9-weeks report. Marley’s work is exemplary! She helps other students when they don’t understand some concepts. Way to go Marley and Hunter!
5 months ago, Lacy Moore
March 2024 SOTM6
Today is School Librarian Appreciation Day and we want to let Mrs. Robertson know how much we appreciate all that she does! You're the best!
5 months ago, Thomas Copeland
Paraprofessional Day
5 months ago, Thomas Copeland
Paraprofessional Day
Don't forget to pre- order your yearbook while there is still time! We will only receive a very small quantity to sell after the pre- order. www.ybpay.com Yearbook ID Code: 14786824
6 months ago, Lacy Moore
Maintenance Appreciation Day Harmony Junior High would like to say THANK YOU to Mike Powell and his crew for all they do each day to keep our campus running smoothly. If it was not for those guys we would not be able to open our doors each morning. Thank you all VERY much!!!
6 months ago, Thomas Copeland
8th grade parents- Do not forget about the meeting tomorrow evening in the elementary cafeteria. Please make plans to attend!
6 months ago, Lacy Moore
Parent Meeting 2024
Mrs. McNeel's language arts students had a book tasting last week. A book tasting is an event during which students 'taste', or sample, a selection of books which have been chosen ahead of time. Hopefully our 7th graders have come away with a wish list of titles!
6 months ago, Lacy Moore
Book Tasting 1
Book Tasting 2
Book Tasting 3
Book Tasting 4
Book Tasting 5
8th Grade Parents-- Mark your calendar for February 27!
6 months ago, Lacy Moore
Parent Reminder 2024
Our HJH Yearbook is student designed and produced by our 8th grade students. Here is a sneak peak of the inside cover page designed by 8th grade art student, Maria Guerrero. If you have not pre ordered your yearbook, there is still time!
6 months ago, Lacy Moore
Cover Art Submission- MG8
Attention 8th Grade Parents:
6 months ago, Lacy Moore
Parent Meeting 2024
This is your reminder to pre-order your HJH Yearbook! We will have a signing party for those who have ordered when the yearbooks arrive. You do not want to miss out!
7 months ago, Lacy Moore
Yearbook 2023-24
Congratulations to our UIL Academic Writing and Speaking students! We had a great season!
7 months ago, Lacy Moore